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What is AlcTax Compliance?

AlcTax Compliance operates as an automated SaaS tax platform, integrating with your current invoicing system, and requiring no changes to your workflow process. It enables you to prepare accurate paper/e-file alcohol tax returns to all of your U.S. taxing jurisdictions.

AlcTax Compliance can be used by simply:

  • Choosing which tax returns to process using the AlcTax automation platform.
  • Putting the alcohol licenses you collect in your tax calendar.
  • Contacting our onboarding staff to get set up.

Key Features

For simplifying the preparations filing and payment of alcohol excise taxes, AlcTax Compliance offers a variety of effective features.

Support for U.S. Jurisdictions: Using information on alcohol purchases, AlcTax Compliance generates a tax return that is ready to sign and can be sent electronically or on paper to all federal, state, county, and city jurisdictions. Our platform is regularly updated, ensuring that we are always aware of any modifications made to the tax rules, rates, and forms for the main U.S. jurisdictions.

Collecting Data: Data adapters are used by AlcTax Compliance to interact with you back-office invoicing system. If you are able to extract data from you system, AlcTax will work with it.

Tax Returns: The AlcTax Compliance engine takes fresh data, curates it, validates it, and autocorrects it before producing tax returns in PDF, CSV, EDI, and XML formats. Our software provides the user with clear visibility and notification of the tax workflow cycle status, including the procedures for creating, evaluating, approving, filing, accepting, and amending tax returns.

Availability and Durability: AlcTax Compliance’s automated system enables users to run their input data at any moment in order to quickly prepare all tax returns. Once the output data has been looked over, any data problems are fixed, and the next run is started.

Security: Highly accessible and secure, AlcTax Compliance’s cloud-based software is both. With the use of keys that you control, it enables you to encrypt your databases, and it supports the use of SSL to protect the data transmission.

How It Works

If you are accurately keeping your invoicing database system, our on-boarding team will help you find the best way to get your data from your system to our cloud engine. There are several ways depending on your invoicing system (ERP) and your transactions volume. AlcTax Compliance accepts data files through portal upload, SFTP, or secure web services.

Once your data is received by AlcTax engine, processing starts immediately. First the AlcTax Compliance system validates the data, curate it, and procedures and submits accurate reports to your filing jurisdictions.

How It Works

AlcTax details

Read the FAQs and our AlcTax blog to learn more.

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